Induction sealers are used to create a hermetic seal that prevents products from leaking at the closure. This airtight seal protects contents from exposure to air, and ensures product freshness. Preventing oxidation and contamination also results in longer shelf life for products that are sensitive to air exposure. Heat induction sealers provide tamper evidence which ensures product integrity, and instills consumer confidence. From automatic to manual or handheld sealers, these tools perform a necessary function for sellers of food products, beverages, cleaners, or pharmaceuticals.

How do Induction Cap Sealers Work?

Induction sealing is a process that seals a metal liner to the mouth of a bottle to protect its contents from contamination or leakage. After a bottle is filled, capping tools are used to fit the bottle with a closure containing an aluminum foil disk. The seal, which is covered with a polyethylene film, is then heated using an induction sealer which causes it to melt and fuse to the bottle's mouth. The created seal is strong and durable and works on any plastic or glass bottle that has a cap closure.

How to Use Manual Induction Sealers

These popular bottling tools come with a variety of features such as different speed settings and cap size adjustments. Many manual induction sealers are small, handheld devices that are easy to store. They usually contain a wand that is placed over the cap before pushing a button that instantly seals your product. Many options allow you to adjust the power level and the number of seconds required to complete the sealing process.

Why Choose Berlin Packaging?

Berlin Packaging offers a variety of extra services, including warehousing and supply chain management. Their decorating and label design team will work with you to define your brand and create color schemes and graphics. Decorating options include neck bands, decals, and full-body embossments.

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