99% On-Time Delivery, Every Month, for 15 Years and Counting

300,000+ shipments each year of plastic, glass, and metal containers and closures.


Achieving 99+% on-time delivery is very rare. Below are some relevant benchmarks. Berlin Packaging’s on-time rate outperforms all relevant benchmarks.


National Parcel Carriers

These companies are in the business of on-time delivery, yet quantitative research pegs their on-time performance at around 90%.

Carrier On Time Delivery (%)
UPS Delivery UPS Delivery Pie
DHL Delivery DHL Delivery Pie
FedEx Delivery FedEx Delivery Pie
Source: PA Consulting Group U.S. Domestic 10:30 am Delivery Performance Study, 2006


Packaging Suppliers & Manufacturers

Berlin Packaging receives thousands of shipments every year from packaging manufacturers. The on-time delivery we experience from these suppliers is far below what Berlin ultimately delivers to our customers.

Top Packaging Suppliers On Time Delivery (%)
Supplier 1 Supplier 1 Pie
Supplier 2 Supplier 2 Pie
Supplier 3 Supplier 3 Pie
Supplier 4 Supplier 5 Pie
Supplier 5 Supplier 5 Pie
Supplier 6 Supplier 6 Pie
Supplier 7 Supplier 7 Pie
Supplier 8 Supplier 8 Pie
Supplier 9 Supplier 9 Pie
Supplier 10 Supplier 10 Pie
Source: Data from 2014 Delivery Performance to Berlin Packaging