Dietary Supplement Package Flaunts Beauty and Brains

Onnit Labs


When Onnit Labs needed to bring its new super-premium Alpha Brain Black Label supplement to market, the company teamed with Berlin Packaging’s Studio One Eleven in-house design agency to create a package worthy of the product’s higher price point, reports an article in Packaging Technology Today magazine.

The design group started by creating a minimal, uncluttered label design with clean typography and simple graphic elements that elevate the aesthetic beyond traditional supplements. An impactful metallic Onnit Labs logo was added to the cap to create stronger brand presence as well as added quality assurance.

Next, the designers developed a sleek cylindrical secondary packaging structure that mimics the shape of the bottle. The matte black tube opens like a gift to reveal the beautiful glass bottle inside, with interior silver foil details adding an element of surprise and luxury.

Explore more innovative package designs in the Pharmaceutical and OTC Medicines category from Studio One Eleven.

Robert Swientek

By: Robert Swientek
Date: July 30, 2021