1.3 gal Natural Leakproof HDPE Plastic UN Rated Jerry Cans (Black Tamper-Evident Cap)
A Berlin Exclusive!
Store up to 1.3 gal (5L) of liquid in these Leakproof Natural Plastic Jerry Cans. These Kautex Jerry Cans feature graduations by liter and are are compact, durable, impact and dent-resistant, rustproof, economical and reusable do-it-all containers. An integral handle and lightweight construction make them easy to carry while a notched bottom makes them easy to stack.
UN Rated 3H1/Y1.9/250.
Use only with cap provided in the offering to ensure leakproof performance. Use only with cap provided in the offering to ensure leakproof performance.
Black tamper-evident cap included.
Jerry cans should be closed with a wrench to ensure the required torque is applied for proper performance.