Cans are functional packaging for food and industrial supplies. F-style screw-top metal cans are practical packaging for paint thinners and solvents. Paint cans with interlocking lids help keep leftover paint from drying out in storage. Use open-top tin-plated steel cans for packaging food items to help extend product shelf-life.
Bulk Canning Supplies for Food Products
Berlin Packaging offers cans for canning edible items like vegetables, sauces, and condensed milk. Our open-top food cans are available in multiple sizes, with matching metal lids sold separately. You can also choose from several hand-operated top can sealers.
Empty Cans for a Variety of Industries
For products that benefit from sturdy containers and air-tight seals, we offer steel cans for solvents, stains, and paints; plastic cans for industrial liquids; and aluminum cans for fuels. You can also find lined and unlined cans, safety cans for petroleum-based materials, and hazardous waste cans. If you have questions about the best can to suit your product or any of our wholesale canning supplies, contact us for a free consultation with one of our packaging experts.