Package Design Benefit Calculator
We offer a simple tool to help boost your bottom line at no charge.
Berlin Packaging offers a Package Design Benefit Calculator to help build a compelling business case showing strong contrast between the economics of implementing a new package and the economics of retaining the status quo. The outcome of this analysis can easily be shared with stakeholders to lay the groundwork for a more detailed business case or to identify the key areas of concern that warrant further study.
A snapshot of this tool is provided below. This example models a brand that sells 5 million units annually. Over the course of two years, the assumptions suggest that a new package design will generate almost $2 million in additional profit.
This is a simple tool, but it is based on sound principles. It encourages design champions to build quantified business cases and to engage other corporate functions in discussions that will build consensus around the role that package design can have on a brand’s success.
To get a copy of this calculator (a Microsoft Excel workbook), contact us here.