A new packaging design for Maty’s organic and all-natural product lines looks more like it belongs in a kitchen cabinet rather than a medicine cabinet, reports an article in Packaging Digest magazine.
The new packaging design for Maty’s natural and organic remedies features full-body labeling and food-centric graphics. Made with “whole-food ingredients”—the kind found in traditional home remedies—Maty’s over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceutical products are formulated to calm or prevent maladies ranging from coughs to diaper rash.
The redesigned packaging helps shoppers easily distinguish between two of Maty’s product lines: Organic Cough Syrup and All Natural Cough Syrup. Both product lines use a custom square bottle made from recycled plastic, a matte-finish shrink-sleeve label and a continuous-thread closure.
Berlin Packaging in New Jersey created the custom bottle and cap.
The All Natural Cough Syrup bottle’s label is white, and its closure is plastic. In contrast, the Organic Cough Syrup package has a tan label and a custom aluminum closure “inspired by Mason jar lids,” according to Jeff Berg, creative director at Haberman, the agency Maty’s worked with on the redesign.
“The previous packaging included brown, plastic stock bottles that lived inside rectangular boxes,” Berg adds. “For environmental reasons, we stepped away from the outer box they had originally. This dictated the shape of our bottle, because we had to make room for all of the information that originally lived on the box.”
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