Award-Winning Perfume Packaging Combines Sustainability and High Tech

Ninu perfume bottle with replaceable fragrance cartridges

An award-winning package from Berlin Packaging combines sustainability and AI-enhanced smart technology to create a unique perfume bottle with multiple fragrance options, reports an article in Packaging Gateway.

Sustainability is a key strategic driver for Berlin Packaging, which focuses on material circularity, optimization, and refill/reuse strategies when designing packaging solutions for customers.

The bottle of Ninu is designed with durable and sustainable materials, such as refillable cartridges made of recycled glass. “The product attributes allow us to offer a product that is truly intended to reuse and minimize waste,” says Alessandro Prestini, CEO, Berlin Packaging | Premi Industries.

“Our company is promoting a sustainable culture along the glass value chain, working shoulder to shoulder with suppliers committed to using renewable energy in the production phase, contributing to a significant decrease in the packaging's carbon footprint,” notes Dario Bassetti, CMO, Berlin Packaging EMEA. “In some cases, when this is not feasible, we also consider the possibility of compensating the emissions generated, thanks to offsetting programs.”

“In the design phase, the goal was to create a product to reduce the 12 billion tons of plastic waste in the beauty industry and build a refillable design,” explains Prestini. “Generally, when a product is used for more than ten refills, the carbon footprint reduces by an average of 50%. For this reason, the decision was taken to develop an electronic device that can be refilled continuously, offering potentially infinite reuse and, consequently, a reduction in the environmental impact.”

Inside the device is a recyclable cartridge with three fragrances that can be replaced when empty. “We're now evaluating whether to produce them in PET, the recyclable material, or in rPET, recycled PET,” says Prestini.  

Contributor: Robert Swientek
Date: February 6, 2023

Robert Swientek

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