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Berlin Packaging Gives All Employees an Ownership Stake in the Company

Chicago-headquartered company launches innovative shared ownership plan on a global scale

You own it | Berlin shared ownership plan

Berlin Packaging, the world's largest Hybrid Packaging Supplier, is thrilled to announce the introduction of its new 1Berlin Shared Ownership Program, giving employees at all levels and in all global regions of the Company an ownership stake in the business effective immediately.

Sharing ownership with all employees solidifies Chicago-headquartered Berlin Packaging's dedication to investing in its workforce and fostering a positive and inclusive environment within its constantly expanding global business. No investment is required from employees to participate in the Shared Ownership Plan, and every employee with at least two years of continuous employment will be automatically enrolled.

"We're introducing our 1Berlin Shared Ownership Program now because our team has collectively persevered through the last four years of pandemic disruption with unprecedented grit and resiliency," said Bill Hayes, Global CEO and President of Berlin Packaging. "Everyone contributes to our success, and everyone should share in our future success and value creation. We've always been '1Berlin,' but now we're putting our money where our mouth is."

Hayes further commented that the Company's new shared ownership plan doesn't start and end with its introduction. Moving forward, all Berlin Packaging employees will receive ongoing financial acumen training—especially focused on value creation—and will participate in quarterly "Ownership Updates" with Berlin Packaging's leadership team.

In addition to management's financial stake in the Company, Berlin Packaging is backed by Oak Hill Capital Partners, New York City, and Canadian Pension Plan Investments, Toronto, Canada, both of whom – along with Berlin's Board of Directors – enthusiastically support Berlin Packaging's new shared ownership plan. The Company holds leadership positions in North America and Europe and has recently entered the Asia-Pacific market commercially, including two acquisitions in that region within the past year.  

Celeste Osborne

By: Celeste Osborne
Date: September 19, 2024