HDPE Plastic Bullet Bottles with Caps
Our natural HDPE plastic narrow mouth bullet bottles, also known as Cosmo Round Bottles, have a tall and lean shape. Their flat base is stable for easy filling and the rounded shoulders allow every last drop to be easily dispensed. Bottles include PP caps with F217 foam liners.
Is HDPE right for me?
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is a plastic material that is economical, impact resistant, and provides a good moisture barrier. HDPE is best known for its naturally translucent appearance and flexibility. It is compatible with a wide range of products including acid concentrates and some caustics, but is not compatible with solvents. The addition of color will make HDPE opaque, but not glossy. HDPE offers good protection at below freezing temperatures, but must not be used with products filled at over 180°F or products requiring a hermetic seal.