By: Berlin Packaging Specialist
Date: November 11, 2019
Containers on our website are listed with a capacity in fluid ounces. This can be confusing when it comes to honey containers, which are typically labeled and sold based on net weight ounces, sometimes called “honey weight.” So what is the difference between fluid ounces and net weight ounces? And how can you determine how much honey our honey jars will hold?
Fluid Ounces vs. Net Weight Ounces
- Fluid ounces (FL. OZ) is a measure of volume or how much space something takes up.
- Net weight ounces (NET WT. OZ) is a measure of mass or how heavy something is. Usually liquids are measured in fluid ounces and dry goods are measured in net weight ounces.
Calculating the Net Weight of Honey
For water, the ratio of fluid ounces to net weight ounces is 1:1. In other words, one fluid ounce of water equals one net weight ounce. This is very handy when you are measuring water. But honey is heavier than water. So one fluid ounce of honey weighs more than one net weight ounce. Specifically, one fluid ounce of honey equals approximately 1.5 net weight ounces. For our honey jars, we list both the fluid ounces and the net weight ounces, or honey weight, for you. For other containers that are popularly used for honey, you can estimate how much honey they will hold by multiplying their listed capacity by 1.5.
Using this calculation will give you a close approximation that you can use for choosing containers for your honey. But the most accurate way to measure honey weight is to weigh your honey jar before filling it with honey, and then weigh it again after filling it. The difference between the two measurements is honey weight ounces. Honey labels require net weight ounces to be listed, so it is always a good idea to measure your specific batch of honey in this way.